Upcoming Events

Science Fair

Join us at Kings Fellowship for a two hour science fair on 8 March

Driving into Discovery | Science for Everyone

This event is open to all and is free

Booking is desirable as spaces are limited.  To book your place, please click HERE to use our booking form

Science Fair

Mirrors and Windows

Mirrors and Windows – developing anti-racist education through storybooks

Tues 18 March, 4-5pm

A free one-hour course on MS Teams for nursery practitioners and primary teachers in Highland or across the North of Scotland.

Booking is via Highland Council CPD Site:
Course ID: 89669

Or through Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/1244538210289?aff=oddtdtcreator

This course aims to develop the professional understanding of primary teachers and nursery practitioners around racism and anti-racism, and introduce a brand new resource ‘Mirrors and Windows’. This resource supports a critical approach to reviewing the books available in your nursery or school library to ensure the books in use reflect the lives of all children and the diverse and interconnected world we live in, helping them develop empathy and learning to understand and celebrate diversity.

· A brief introduction to racism and anti-racism and the concept of mirrors and windows in books
· Exploring the new resource, reflective questions and book audit
· Using books for anti-racist education

Mirrors and Windows